Screenshot of a Daily Journal Template

Daily Journal

Become calmer and more productive by writing in a daily journal.

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About this Daily Journal Template

This daily journal template was designed by Jim Eagar, a member of the Craft Community. It provides a guided morning journaling experience that helps the writer to start the day with gratitude, define their most important tasks for the day, and invites them to write open-endedly about whatever is on their mind. 

What is a Daily Journal?

A daily journal is a type of journaling practice where you can document your feelings, emotions, thoughts and experiences each day. It is often used as a form of self-reflection or meditation where you can gain an understanding of how you are feeling each day. Journaling can help to improve mental clarity, stress relief, and help you to get in touch with your inner self.

The journal also serves as a place to document and reflect on life’s moments, both big and small. You’ll be able to look back and gain insight into how you’ve grown since starting your journaling practice.

When to use a Daily Journal Template

Using this template, you can set aside a few moments to start the day by reflecting on the positive things around you and your personal goals. Write a few sentences about how you’re feeling, what you’re grateful for, and what you want to focus on today. Even if you don’t have a lot of time, taking a few minutes to write can help you feel more organized, energized, and motivated as you go through your day

How to use the Daily Journal Template

  • The Daily Journal Template is perfect for using within your Daily Note. Each morning, you can type /Template from within your Daily Note to bring up the templates menu. From there, look for the Daily Journal template and insert to help start the day right.
  • This simple journal template is an open space for you to write a little update in the morning. Work through each question one by one, taking a few moments to reflect before you do. 
  • Your Daily Journal becomes even more valuable if you read back and review what you’ve written. Do this on a regular basis to discover more about yourself and notice new things about yourself.

FAQ About the Daily Journal Template

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